Dubai, 5 December 2023: From 28 to 30 November, 2023, management of the strategic communications agency Arabists Business Solutions jointly with a significant business delegation visited Saudi Arabia as part of the first corporate business mission to this country that opens up in a new way. "The purpose of our trip was to show different business and investment communities facets of Saudi Arabia, its powerful and perspective market which is currently opens up to the world beginning to provide new opportunities for developing and doing business. Guided by the principle of "it's better to see once" we realized that the format of a business mission to get closure with the Kingdom, its cultural foundations and features, to get answers to important questions about interaction with the largest country in Arabia along B2B and B2G meetings is ideal," says Elena Olkhovskaya, COO of Arabists Business Solutions.
During the trip, a delegation of Russian-speaking businessmen from the UAE was received by high-ranking representatives of the Ministry of Investment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, visited the prestigious and largest business accelerator in the Gulf region, - The Garage, - where successful startups are provided with support and important contracts. These meetings were a fruitful platform to discuss potential investments in various industries and business development in Saudi Arabia.

It should be noted that special attention of the business mission participants was paid to presentation of the strategic development and diversification of the Saudi Arabia economy "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Vision 2030" program containing ambitious plans to bring up important life aspects of the Kingdom to new levels.

"Prior going to Riyadh, I didn't fully understand why I needed the Middle East and what attracted me to it from a business point of view," says Danila Klimenko, Import-Export Operations Manager at Selena Company. "The introductory lecture on cross-cultural communications prepared by the Arabists 4C Academy experts emphasized the importance of understanding the Middle East cultural essentialities in order to achieve effective interaction in the multinational commercial environments of Arab countries and successfully build long-term partnerships. The business mission allowed me to reassess the prospects for development of our company in this region of opportunities."
Business delegation to Riyadh also visited several offices of foreign companies successfully operating in Saudi Arabia where they exchanged views on the most pressing topics related to the starting requirements for new businesses aiming at entering the Saudi Arabian market.
And yet, the business mission was not limited to the business issues. The trip included the Kingdom’s capital, Riyadh, sightseeing tour with attending new business districts and visits to authentic restaurants with local cuisine which allowed to immerse into the variety of specialties and tastes of Saudi Arabia.

A cultural tour around the "old city" of Al Diriyah imbued with atmosphere of Kingdom’s historical heritage and traditional elements of live performances on moments of the Saudi society daily life, - from brewing traditional Arabic coffee in copper coffee pots and molding adobe bricks to buying spices and incense in the traditional market, - added to the feeling of belonging to the folk life of the East and, at the same time, made me think of a sharp contrast of what was happening.
"Look how amazing it is", says Inaye de Brito, CEO of Art Village Events Design and WIAK Events & Travels that were organizing partners of the business mission. "Here we have Riyadh in front of us – a brilliant capital, a multi-million metropolis, confidently looking into the super-modern future, thanks to the vision of its rulers, and next to this, the established hundred-year-old way of the Saudis’ life peacefully coexists which even nowadays permeates all aspects of life of the Kingdom’s young and ambitious population, challenging themselves and many countries recognized by world leaders. Traditions are carefully preserved here; you are welcomed here as the dearest guests and are ready to offer the best that this land is rich in. I want to come back here again and again."
The jewel in the crown of the business mission was the announcement on November 28, the first day of the mission, that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had won the right to host the World Expo 2030. This event was a confirmation not only of the global recognition of Saudi Arabia but also created new prospects for business development in this country.
"Our company, as the organizer of the trip, expresses its gratitude to all the participants of our first business mission to Riyadh for their trust, interest and, of course, for their contribution to strengthening business and cultural ties between the businesses of Russia, the CIS and Saudi Arabia," emphasizes Vyacheslav Eliseev, founder and CEO of Arabists Business Solutions. "During this mission we were not only able to get acquainted with the life and prospects for development of the Kingdom but also witnessed the country's victory in the competition for the right to host the Expo 2030 exhibition which makes the prospects even brighter. Our opinion about the KSA have changed, and in some ways we ourselves have changed. And this gives us faith in further success in the country and the region as a whole.

We are happy to participate in the creation of new partnerships and in cultural exchanges. The next mission is planned on February and it will become regular to allow more partners interested in this new and rapidly opening market to join us and to discover it with us. With our deep regional expertise, with our knowledge of the Arabic language, understanding of this very much open minded and unique mentality, peculiarities of the national character and Middle Eastern approaches to business, Saudi Arabia will become more understandable and closer for many".
"We would like to express our special gratitude to all our partners, – Art Village Events Design and WIAK Events & Travel, for their effective assistance in organizing the business mission program, as well as to our representative in Saudi Arabia, ambassador of Arabists Business Solutions Leonid Obid, CEO of AKID AL-ARABIA Commercial Company, KSA, without whose active involvement the trip could not have been so bright and memorable," says Elena Olkhovskaya in conclusion. “Together we are stronger; this was shown by our first business mission, which will be followed by others."
The first visit of a business delegation to Saudi Arabia, the first touch on the possibilities of doing business in this amazing country, which many have yet to carefully explore and discover all its facets, showed the time for pioneers has come. And it is now. With only a few years to go until the World Expo 2030, Riyadh is waiting for all those who aspire to the Middle East, to its heart – with new technologies, interesting large-scale projects, innovative strategies and confidence in success.


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